The Art of Basketry

Book #07
by Kari Lønning
Sterling/Chapelle Company, Inc.
9.25" x 9.25", 132 pages, 2000

The Art of Basketry "[d]emonstrates the variety, technical ingenuity and artistic maturity of the contemporary basketry field and invites the reader to try a hand at the craft. Half the book is a guide through basic and progressively more complex basketry techniques illustrated with Lonning’s rattan reed baskets. The rest features a gallery of works by 23 noted basketry artists, who comment on their methods and aesthetic philosophy.”
American Craft
Dorothy Gill Barnes
Dail Behennah
Jan Buckman
Ken Carlson
John Garrett
Ferne Jacobs
Christine Joy
Markku Kosonen

Gyöngy Laky
Kari Lønning
Dona Look
 Connie &
Tom McColley
John McQueen
Judy Mulford
Leon Niehues
Francina & Neil Prince
JoAnne Russo
Debra M. Sachs
Jane Sauer
Hisako Sekijima
Kay Sekimachi
Karyl Sisson
Jiro Yonezawa
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Book #07

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