Volume 50: Chronicling Fiber Art for Three Decades

Catalog #46

Volume 50: Chronicling Fiber Art for Three Decades

Essay by Glenn Adamson

Photography and design by Tom Grotta

164 full color pages

9" x 9"

published by browngrotta arts

221 color images

 "There are a few catalogs that go beyond the intellect to convey the spirit of the exhibition objects. The fine images of browngrotta arts’ publications capture the dimension of the objects, something often lacking, yet totally necessary to the appreciation of fiber. Their publications seem to consistently engage much more than readers’ minds,” wrote Lotus Stack , Curator of Textiles at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1999. The Volume 50: Chronicling Fiber for Three Decades catalog celebrates the 49 browngrotta arts’ publications that came before with 221 color photographs of work by 65 artists.


Adela Akers (United States)
Laura Ellen Bacon (United Kingdom)
Jo Barker (United Kingdom)
Caroline Bartlett (United Kingdom)
Polly Barton (United States)
James Bassler United States)
Dail Behennah (United Kingdom)
Annette Bellamy (United States)
Nancy Moore Bess (United States)
Marian Bijlenga (The Netherlands)
Birgit Birkkjaer (Denmark)
Sara Brennan (United Kingdom)
Lia Cook (United States)
Włodzimierz Cygan (Poland)
Neha Puri Dhir (India)
Lizzie Farey (United Kingdom)
Susie Gillespie (United Kingdom)
Agneta Hobin (Finland)
Kiyomi Iwata (Japan)
Ferne Jacobs (United States)
Stéphanie Jacques (Belgium)
Tim Johnson (United Kingdom)
Christine Joy (United States)
Tamiko Kawata (Japan/United States)
Nancy Koenigsberg (United States)
Marianne Kemp (The Netherlands)
Anda Klancic (Slovenia)
Lewis Knauss (United States)
Naomi Kobayashi (Japan)
Irina Kolesnikova (Russia)
Kyoko Kumai (Japan)
Lawrence LaBianca (United States)
Gyöngy Laky (United States)
Sue Lawty (United Kingdom)
Jennifer Falck Linssen (United States)
Åse Ljones (Norway)
Kari Lønning (United States)
Federica Luzzi (Italy)
Rachel Max (United Kingdom)
John McQueen (United States)
Mary Merkel-Hess (United States)
Norma Minkowitz (United States)
Keiji Nio (Japan)
Mia Olsson (Sweden)
Gudrun Pagter (Denmark)
Simone Pheulpin (France)
Eduardo Portillo & Mariá Eugenia Dávila (Venezuela)
Lija Rage (Latvia)
Toshio Sekiji (Japan)
Hisako Sekijima (Japan)
Karyl Sisson (United States)
Jin-Sook So (Korea/Sweden)
Grethe Sørensen (Denmark)
Aleksandra Stoyanov (Ukraine/Israel)
Chiyoko Tanaka (Japan)
Blair Tate (United States)
Deborah Valoma (United States)
Ulla-Maija Vikman (Finland)
Wendy Wahl (United States)
Gizella K Warburton (United Kingdom)
Grethe Wittrock (Denmark)
Chang Yeonsoon (Korea)
Jiro Yonezawa (Japan)
Carolina Yrarrazaval (Chile)

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Catalog #46

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